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About Us

Learn to DANCE with professionals in a happy, friendly environment

A high level of technical ability is developed using the IDTA syllabus and free class work in all dance genre. Students take part in an annual show, cabaret, fetes, fashion shows and photographic modelling for local and national companies. We have earned an excellent reputation in the dance world for our school.

Dance Teachers

Liz Nolan F.I.D.T.A

Liz is an ex-professional dancer and choreographer working in TV, theatre, cruise and cabaret. Having moved to Cornwall some years ago, she still retains many links with the ‘theatre world’. She is a Fellow of the International Dance Teachers Association, mrt Royal Academy of Dance, former chairman of the IDTA South West Area and Director of St. Ives Summer School.

Assistant Teachers

Laura Dennis
Pre-Associate in all subjects

Holly Martindale
Pre Associate in all subjects

Tizane Barron
Pre Associate Ballet

Allie Homer
Pre Associate Ballet

Laura Alway
Pre Associate Theatre Craft to assistant teacher

Student Teachers

Helen Blight

I love it! I look forward to dance every week!

Laura Vanderplank

Liz Nolan Theatre Dance School – 07967  707 959

email liznolandance@hotmail.com

Classes at – The Studio, Lelant Village Hall, Lelant, nr St. Ives, Cornwall

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